Retinal Imaging

State of the art retinal imaging equipment from OPTOS

Retinal imaging is a technologically advanced way for optometrists to check your retina. Using specialized equipment, we can take a digital picture of the retina, which is the back of your eye that has light sensitive cells that help send information to your brain about what you’re seeing through your optic nerve. Retinal imaging in Houston is a screening tool we use to help look at your eye health.


Retinal imaging in Houston can help our optometrists detect many different conditions, including:

  • Glaucoma

  • Retinal detachment

  • Macular degeneration

  • High blood pressure

  • Diabetic retinopathy

  • Cancer

Looking at your retina during an eye exam is especially important because in many cases, eye diseases cause no symptoms until later on when they’re more severe. Retinal imaging can also help with early detection for common health conditions to help you seek treatment sooner rather than later from your medical provider.

Because retinal imaging is such a simple and effective screening tool for many eye diseases and health conditions, most guidelines recommend getting retinal imaging done each year during your eye exam. Some people may also get more frequent imaging if they’re at a higher risk for retinal diseases. Our team at Memorial Park Vision uses the Optos® retinal imaging machine to provide retinal imaging for our patients.

Book an appointment to receive an eye exam with retinal imaging or contact us to learn more!

Why choose OPTOS retinal imaging?

The Optos retinal imaging machine is a game changer when it comes to looking at the retina. This machine takes just a quarter of a second to take a picture of the back of your eye and allows our eye doctors to view the image on the computer, zoom in, and save the image in your medical records. Optomap imaging also helps capture a larger image of the retina than traditional methods of dilating the pupil and using a slit lamp to examine the retina. Results are ready immediately so we can review them with you during your eye exam.


Benefits of Optomap Retinal Imaging

There are many reasons why you might choose retinal imaging in Houston with the OPTOS machine rather than the traditional slit lamp exam.

For one, there’s usually no need for dilation. With optomap retinal imaging, there’s no dilation, you just look into the machine and it takes a picture of your retina for us in a matter of side effects with no downtime or side effects.

Another great benefit of using the OPTOS retinal imaging machine is that it’s incredibly quick. Once you’re all set up, it takes about a quarter of a second to take the picture. With traditional retinal exams, we dilate the eyes, which can take about 30 minutes to take effect, and then we use the slit lamp to provide high intensity light and look at your eyes through a type of microscope. This also means we usually look through multiple different filters to get a good look at your retina. Optomap retinal imaging is much quicker than this traditional method.

Most of our patients prefer opt in to receive retinal imaging because it is so ,uch more effective and efficient than traditional dilation.